The Curated Wellness

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Grief | How It Affects The Body | P1

Oct 25, 2023 | emotional wellness, grief, trauma

Grief affects every single cell in our body whether we feel it or not. And how we handle or process that grief determines the severity of those effects. Grief’s fallout doesn’t know how much money you make or the color of your skin. Grief is not a respecter of persons. It can’t do a background check to see how you will perform under its pressure, but what it can do is cause unwelcomed triggers in your body. This is why it’s so important to treat our bodies well. So when grief or trauma or its crazy cousin anger comes, because it’s not an “IF” but a “WHEN”, our bodies won’t suffer from the unexpected right hook it throws at us. When we treat our whole selves well, our bodies will thank us by doing what it is supposed to no matter our circumstances. 

Trauma and grief cause our adrenal glands to go into overdrive. But our bodies are well equipped for the occasional overwhelm or short season of grief. It’s when we buy prime real estate in that neighborhood that we end up doing damage. When the adrenal glands are triggered, so is cortisol. Too much cortisol released causes our cells to hold on to fat and inflammation goes into overdrive in various places. When we stay in that type of state, we do damage to our organs, every single one of them, sometimes simultaneously. 

But my friend, There is hope. Big hope! There are all sorts of ways we can prevent these damages so our bodies will operate in wholeness. Nothing missing, nothing lacking, and nothing broken. We can create good eating habits by eating whole and unprocessed foods. Staying hydrated with plane ol’ H2O, and getting plenty of rest. Rest isn’t just sleeping either. It’s slowing down, taking breaks from social media, spending time doing the things you love. There is indeed more than one form of rest, and the second best to sleep is mental rest. It’s ok to say no and be by yourself, it’s necessary even sometimes. Give yourself permission to let go of the lists, and ALL THE THINGS! Spend time with friends and family, spend time learning about YOU and what you love doing. What brings the calm and quiets your soul? Do THAT!